operates for you

Simply, made to make everything simpler

Simoli is a set of products by PT. SGI. It’s an internet of things focused product. What it can do is to make machineries, devices and almost everything that electronic can detect/sense to send data to internet and processed. The result is an informative page of things that can be accessed from anywhere around the globe, even from your own phone.

No more manual labor

No more manual inspections. No more lost calculations, over produce, machine downtime or parts delays. We’re talking the most efficient manufacturing and connected supply chain this world has ever seen.

How it works

Explanation of simoli industrial internet of things
Explanation of simoli industrial internet of things


  • Level Monitoring : Measure liquid storage tanks volume ( Liter or metric ton) 
  • Temperature Monitoring : Measure liquid temperature in (in °C,°F ,or °K)
  • Pressure Monitoring : Pipe or vessels pressure sensing (in psi, Kg/cm)
  • State Monitoring : detect the state of machines or devices (on/off)
  • Rotation Monitoring: measuring the rotation speed of a shaft or disk, as in a motor or other machine.(RPM/RPS)
  • pH Monitoring : measure its acidity or alkalinity expressed as pH
  • Infrared Sensors: act as a counter in mass production without any contact with the product. 

High data rate in the narrowest bandwidth

Simoli could  do seamless data aggregation in limited internet bandwidth. Thanks to the data transfer protocols that our engineers been optimizing to work with this kind of situation.